Immune cCRE Activity by Cell Type

Compare immune cCRE activity between selected immune cell types.

How to Use:
  • Click to select up to 6 cells.
  • For stimulable cells, hold Option/Command (MacOS) or Alt/Windows (Windows) and click to stimulate cell.
  • Stimulating a cell does not automatically select it.
  • By default, all cells are unstimulated. Stimulable cells can be unstimulated, stimulated, or both (counts as two selections).
  • The more cells types that are selected, the longer it will take to generate.
  • Click any bar/count in UpSet plot to download set (.BED)
Immune cCRE classes to Include:

Immune cCRE Activity by Cell Type

Compare immune cCRE activity between selected immune cell types.

How to Use:
  • Click to select up to 6 cells.
  • For stimulable cells, hold Option/Command (MacOS) or Alt/Windows (Windows) and click to stimulate cell.
  • Stimulating a cell does not automatically select it.
  • By default, all cells are unstimulated. Stimulable cells can be unstimulated, stimulated, or both (counts as two selections).
  • The more cells types that are selected, the longer it will take to generate.
  • Click any bar/count in UpSet plot to download set (.BED)
Hematopoeticstem cellMultipotentprogenitorCommon myeloidprogenitorMegakaryocyte-erythroidprogenitorLymphocyte-primedmultipotent progenitorGranulocyte-monocyteprogenitorsErythroblastCommon lymphoidprogenitorPlasmacytoiddendritic cellMyeloiddendritic cellMonocyte(Unstim)Double-negative cellBulkB cell(Unstim)NK cellGamma-deltaT cell(Unstim)CD4 immaturesingle-positive cellNaïveB cell(Unstim)ImmatureNK cellDouble-positive cellMemoryB cell(Unstim)MatureNK cell(Unstim)CD4+ T cellCD8+ T cell(Unstim)PlasmablastMemoryNK cellEffectorCD4+ T cell(Unstim)RegulatoryCD4+ T cell(Unstim)Naïve CD8+T cell(Unstim)Naïve Teffector cell(Unstim)Naïve Tregulatory cell(Unstim)CentralmemoryCD8+ T cell(Unstim)EffectormemoryCD8+ T cell(Unstim)Memory Teffector cell(Unstim)Memory Tregulatory cell(Unstim)Th1precursor(Unstim)Th2precursor(Unstim)Th17precursor(Unstim)T follicularhelper cell(Unstim)
Immune cCRE classes to Include: